Search result for: Cambridge Analytica

The risks behind autoplay on social media

If you are connected to any social network (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Youtube) you have already noticed that a series of videos are displayed in your feed without you clicking on them or even searching for that content. These are Bic Techs' autoplays, directed by algorithms to our networks, dragging our attention into a looping of clips, for hours and hours. Is this healthy? Vetch? Does it cause anxiety and depression? Increases radicalization and extremism? The subject returns to the debate provoked by an article by influencer/Youtuber Felipe Neto, published in JOTA this Friday (5).

The risks behind autoplay on social media Read more »

TikTok will remain on top, says Stokel-Walker, author of a book about the platform

In an interview with Estadão, Stokel-Walker recognizes that TikTok has challenges in the future. However, he believes that the platform will remain at the top of app downloads for a long time. In addition to the algorithm's power to understand everything users like, its creator, the Chinese technology giant ByteDance, learned from the mistakes of rivals, such as Facebook.

TikTok will remain on top, says Stokel-Walker, author of a book about the platform Read more »

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