Search result for: ChatGPT-4

ChatGPT-4: new version has old problems

A OpenAI announced this week the update of ChatGPT. Now, users who subscribe to the tool can now use GPT-4, which has a series of new functions, including the use of images and a larger database. However, despite being impressive, the OpenAI stated that GPT-4 can still be flawed and can “hallucinate” complex concepts. The company's recommendation is not to use the platform in high-risk contexts.

ChatGPT-4: new version has old problems Read more »

Researchers point to AI chatbot as a potential diagnostic partner

Physician researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) compared the probabilistic reasoning of an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot to that of human clinicians. The results, published in JAMA Network Open, suggest the technology could be useful as a clinical decision support tool for doctors.

Researchers point to AI chatbot as a potential diagnostic partner Read more »

AI and therapy

ChatGPT may be better than a general practitioner at suggesting treatments for depression, study reveals

O ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot from OpenAI, may be better than a general practitioner when it comes to following treatment standards for depression, in addition to not presenting the gender or social class prejudices sometimes observed in the doctor-patient relationship, a study suggests.

ChatGPT may be better than a general practitioner at suggesting treatments for depression, study reveals Read more »

Italy sets deadline for OpenAI regularize the ChatGPT in the country

A OpenAI is facing regulatory pressure in Italy over an alleged privacy breach in its artificial intelligence model, the ChatGPT. Now, Garante, the country's Data Protection Agency, has given the company an ultimatum to regularize its technology and return to operating in Italian territory. In the report, released this Wednesday (12), the authorities gave until the end of this month for the OpenAI regularize.

Italy sets deadline for OpenAI regularize the ChatGPT in the country Read more »

After Italy and China, it's Spain's turn questionair or ChatGPT about privacy

The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) is asking the European Union's privacy watchdog to assess privacy concerns related to ChatGPT. This action follows growing global scrutiny of AI systems. The EDPS recognizes the need for coordinated decisions at European level for processing operations that may affect individual rights.

After Italy and China, it's Spain's turn questionair or ChatGPT about privacy Read more »

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