Tokyo-based Sakana AI has just presented “The AI Scientist”, the first system of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world capable of carrying out scientific research autonomously – potentially revolutionizing the scientific process.
The details
- The system generates new research ideas, writes code, performs experiments, writes articles, and performs its own peer review with near-human precision.
- Sakana AI envisions a future where we not only see a freelance AI researcher, but also freelance reviewers, area chairs, and even entire conferences.
- AI Scientist has previously produced papers with innovative contributions in machine learning domains such as language modeling and diffusion models.
- Each article only costs about $15 to produce, which could potentially democratize research capabilities.
Why does it matter
This breakthrough could dramatically accelerate scientific progress by allowing researchers to collaborate with AI agents and automate time-consuming tasks. We are entering a new era where academia may soon be powered by a tireless community of AI agents, working 24 hours a day on whatever problem they are targeted at.
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