Google launches production-ready models
Image Credits: Google

Google launches production-ready models

O Google has just announced significant updates to its models Gemini AI, including performance improvements, cost reductions, and greater accessibility for developers.


The details
  • Two new production-ready models were launched today: Gemini-1.5-Pro-002 and Gemini-1.5-Flash-002, offering improved quality across multiple tasks, including a 20% boost in math-related benchmarks.
  • The price of Gemini 1.5 Pro has reduced input and output by over 50% on prompts with less than 128K tokens, while rate limits have been increased significantly.
  • The models feature 2x faster output and 3x lower latency compared to previous versions, with improvements in long-term context understanding and vision capabilities.
  • O Google has also updated its default filter settings, giving developers more control over configuring the template for their specific use cases.
Why does it matter

O Google is rapidly iterating and pushing the boundaries of accessibility for developers building with artificial intelligence (IA). Although this is not the Gemini 2, is a significant upgrade over the experimental models and will help developers build faster, smarter, and cheaper apps.

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