European Parliament creates rules to reduce salt differencearial between men and women

The European Parliament approved this Thursday (30) rules that oblige companies to be transparent about salaries, to guarantee equal pay.arial between men and women, and include sanctions for discrimination againstarial. According to 2020 data from the bloc's countries, women in the European Union earn on average 13% less per hour than men for the same work.

Posted by
Marcela Guimarães

Under the new rules, workers can demand to know salt levelsariais individual and average, broken down by gender, in their workplace.

Other rules stipulate that if a company has at least 100 employees, it must regularly publish information about salary differencesariais between men and women.

Companies must also negotiate with employee representatives if there is a 5% discrepancy. Anyone who fails to comply with any of the rules will be subject to sanctions, including fines.

Employees who believe they are victims of discrimination can seek compensation.

“The same work deserves the same salary. And for salt equalityarial, transparency is needed”, declared the president of the European Commission (the Executive arm of the EU), Ursula von der Leyen, the day before. “Women must know if their employers are treating them fairly. And when they’re not, they should have the power to fight back and get what they deserve,” she added.

These standards will still have to receive the green light from the European Council, which represents the bloc's countries.

The salt differencearial between men and women is just 0,7% in Luxembourg, although in Latvia it reaches 22,3%.

(Source: AFP)

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This post was last modified on March 30, 2023 11:54 pm

Marcela Guimarães

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