Pink October, Blue November… Understand the colorful calendar of health alerts

We are living in Pink October and Blue November is just around the corner, but do you know what these colors mean? O Curto made a list and will explain it to you.

Posted by
Gabriela Gonçalves

We are in “Pink October”, we are going through “Yellow September”, and next month we enter “Blue November”. But do you know the meaning of the colors that accompany the names of each month of the year?

O Curto News will explain this different calendar, which serves to raise awareness among the population about some diseases, in other words, this is a “colorful health calendar”. Important, right? A special calendar created by medical associations that come together to publicize prevention campaigns marked by a certain color.

Public Relations

To stick in the mind, publicity is needed, so the union of institutes is essential to fix the color and cause in people's minds. Generally, to spread information, movements involve media outlets, companies, clinics, hospitals, NGOs and other social actors. The cause is very big and even monuments and facades of public and private buildings are usually illuminated according to the color of the month.

  • Months 12 and 11

The months of October and November are the best known here in Brazil, there's no denying it!

October is Pink and focuses on breast cancer.

November is Blue and focuses on prostate cancer.

But, there are colors and campaigns for every month of the year. Are we going from January to December?

  • white January

The January campaign was created in 2014, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. The focus is on themes related to mental health, emotional, harmony of relationships and psychoeducation. Even though it was born in Brazil, the movement has already been adopted around the world! Cities in the United States, Japan, Portugal and some regions in Africa reproduce the campaign.

Could it be linked to “New Year’s Eve white”? More or less. The month was chosen exactly because it has this air of hope, so dear to patients who go through some suffering or disorder psychic, and which is linked to the turn of the year.

  • February Orange

In February the alert is about the leukemia, which is one of the most common types of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, more than 250 cases are discovered annually in Brazil. The campaign raises awareness not only about prevention, but also about the importance of donating bone marrow.

Leukemia, as defined by the National Cancer Institute, is a malignant disease of White blood cells, generally of unknown origin. Its main characteristic is the accumulation of diseased cells in the bone marrow, which replace normal blood cells.

  • Navy Blue March

This month's focus is on colorectal cancer or that it is the third most common cancer among Brazilian men and women. This cancer, also known as bowel cancer or colon and rectal cancer occurs when it encompasses tumors that begin in the part of the large intestine called colon and straight (end of intestine). Know more.

In most cases, it is curable if detected early. In day March 27 It is remembered as National Day to Fight Bowel Cancer, hence the choice of the month.

  • green April

The awareness campaign for safety and health in the workplace was started in 2014. As in the previous month, the choice was made because April 28th is celebrated as “World Day of Remembrance for Victims of Accidents and Illnesses at Work” and April 7th is “World Health Day ”. Several companies run campaigns to prevent accidents, which is mandatory.

  • Blue April

One month, two colors: April also encourages debate about autism, formally called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). On April 2nd of each year, the milestone campaign to raise awareness and combat stigma on the theme, “World Autism Awareness Day”. This is the most common mental disorder among boys, you know?

  • Yellow May

The month of May has the Yellow Movement, which debates the prevention of traffic-accidents. The month was chosen because, historically, there has been a global turning point in traffic safety. On May 11, 2011, the UN declared a Decade of Actions for Traffic Safety, which aims to reduce traffic accidents by 50% in Brazil and around the world.

  • Red June

The movement I give blood created the campaign in 2011. World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14th. The month serves to raise awareness of the importance of donation, and color means blood.

  • June Orange

The movement I Am Blood created this initiative, but the orange color alerts the anemia and leukemia.

  • Yellow July

The Ministry of Health and the Viral Hepatitis Committee who chose the month to raise awareness of viral hepatitis and bone cancer. The color is to symbolize the tone that the eyes of those infected generally have when the disease manifests itself in the liver.

  • August golden

The Federal Government established the campaign in 2017, but worldwide from the 1st to the 7th the campaign is celebrated “world breastfeeding week”. O month is breastfeeding awareness. The color signifies the “golden hours” of breastfeeding.

  • September Yellow

This campaign is one of the best known, and started with Life Appreciation Center (CVV), with help from the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the Brazilian Psychiatric Association. The month of September was chosen because the 10th is marked as the World Suicide Prevention Day.

  • Pink October

This campaign is the best known of all, dedicated to breast cancer awareness. It was created in the United States in the 90s. Now, it is known and made worldwide. The color represents femininity.

  • Blue november

The movement started in Australia, and there it was called “Movember”. The campaign deals with prevention and fight prostate cancer. In Brazil, the campaign was created by the Instituto Lado a Lado pela Vida, in 2008.

  • Orange December

The Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) used the symbols and colors of the month to warn about the skin cancer. Orange refers to the sun and the tone of tanned bodies which, in excess, can represent a risk factor for the disease.

  • Red December

The campaign highlights the importance of protect yourself against AIDS, a disease whose worldwide combat date is celebrated on December 1st. The campaign is worldwide and became official in Brazil in 2017. The choice of the color red was made due to its connection with blood and also the idea of ​​passion.

This post was last modified on January 3, 2023 16:51 pm

Gabriela Gonçalves

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