1. Welcome to Curto News
These Terms regulate the general conditions of use by users of the news portal Curto News (“Portal”), and respective services developed by Curto News S/A, legal entity registered under CNPJ nº 44.868.564/0001-16, with headquarters in the city of São Paulo/SP, at Avenida Paulista, 2537, 3rd floor (“Curto News”).
Access to our website implies full acceptance of these Terms and the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any of the provisions set out here, you are not authorized to use or access the portal Curto News.
All portal content Curto News is protected by copyright and industrial/intellectual property.
2. Users' Responsibility
By accepting these Terms, the portal user Curto News withpromeYou must make appropriate use of the content and data made available therein, committing to:
– be responsible for the veracity of the information provided for registration purposes on the Portal;
– not take part in or condone illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order;
– not disseminate content that encourages violence or attacks on someone or a group based on race, ethnicity, nationality, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability or disease;
– not disseminate any type of pornographic content, in support of terrorism or contrary to human rights;
– be responsible for any negotiations with any partners, advertisers or supporters of the Portal, as the Curto News does not own, nor is it linked to or responsible for, the products they negotiate when published on the Portal.
If, while using the Portal, you notice the occurrence of any illegal activity or activity contrary to these Terms, you may send a communication to the address [email protected].
3. Responsibility of Curto News
A Curto News only grants third parties, partners, space to publish advertisements. Therefore, the content published is the exclusive responsibility of the respective advertisers.
The Portal also provides “external links” that allow users to access pages belonging to and owned by third parties. Therefore, the user must be aware that, when selecting any of these “external links”, they will be directed to pages not belonging to the Curto News, which is why it is not responsible for any damages or losses, of any nature, that may arise from accessing the content made available through such links.
4. System Operation
A Curto News does not guarantee the stability or operation of the Portal 24 hours a day, due to possible power outages and other technical and technological problems. However, withpromeIt is necessary to take, as quickly as possible, the appropriate measures to minimize any inconvenience caused to users.
5. Jurisdiction and Applicable Legislation
Any questioncomments arising from the use of the portal Curto News will be resolved by the Central Forum of the District of São Paulo/SP. These Terms are regulated by Brazilian Legislation.
6. Deadline
This Term is valid for an indefinite period, with the Curto News authorized to make changes, adjustments or updates to its provisions at any time it deems necessary, without prior notice to users.
7. Privacy
A Curto News is committed to using all necessary and secure means to guarantee the confidentiality and completeness of personal data made available by its users in accordance with current and applicable legislation.
The information obtained will be stored in the database of the Curto News and will have restricted access only to its employees or authorized third parties who require access.
A Curto News ensures that the data collected will be used solely and exclusively for the purposes indicated below:
– register to receive the newsletter;
– observe the reach rates and other statistics of the Portal, with the aim of always improving its operation for users;
– disseminate content published by Curto News and other communication and marketing campaigns on the Portal, as long as they are authorized by the user, who can always deactivate this option.
8. About these Terms
Aiming to improve the Portal, the Curto News may modify these Terms of Use, however, any changes that remove or reduce user rights without prior notice are prohibited.
Regardless of notice, it is the users' duty to access these Terms of Use in order to check for any updates.
For any suggestions, questions or collaboration proposals, please contact the team at Curto News via the address: [email protected].