Perplexity AI: Artificial intelligence that cites source of answers

Perplexity AI is a free chatbot based on the GPT-3.5 model, the same available through ChatGPT, which acts as a search engine. It is a tool designed to assist users in searching for information on the web.

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guidePerplexityAI: AI that cites the source of answers
WHAT IS IT FOR?Chatbot that helps users search for information on the web
IT IS WORTH IT?Yes! It is a free, efficient and easy-to-use tool.

How Perplexity AI works

The operation of Perplexity AI is similar to that of a traditional search engine. Users type their questions into the search bar, known as “Ask Anything”, and the tool uses a large language model and natural language processing to search for information across multiple sources.


How to use Perplexity AI

To use Perplexity AI, simply follow these steps:

  1. Access website or the Perplexity AI app.
  2. In the question box, type your question.
  3. See the sources and answers the tool provides.
  4. If necessary, continue asking for more information.

Perplexity AI features in detail

1. Search and Answers in Natural Language:

  • Ask whatever you want: Instead of typing keywords, you do complete and natural questions like “What is the capital of France?” or “How to make a chocolate cake?”.
  • Comprehensive Answers: Perplexity AI goes beyond a simple “yes” or “no”. He provides complete and informative answers, with details relevant to your questionament.
  • Simple and clear language: Answers are written in natural language, easy to understand, even for those without technical knowledge.
  • Examples and illustrations: In some cases, Perplexity AI may include examples, images or graphs to better illustrate the answer.

2. Reliable and Updated Sources:

  • Search in different sources: Perplexity AI consults a wide range of online sources, including academic websites, reliable news, encyclopedias and official publications.
  • Prioritization of recent results: He prioritizes latest results to ensure you have access to the most up-to-date information available.
  • Font identification: Perplexity AI cite sources used so that you can verify the information yourself.
  • Source reliability assessment: Perplexity AI uses algorithms to assess the reliability of sources, prioritizing sites with a good reputation and high-quality content.

3. Synthesis and Summary Capacity:

  • Analysis and synthesis of information: Perplexity AI not only presents the information it finds, but also the analyzes and synthesizes to present a concise and well-structured summary.
  • Identification of main points: It highlights the main points response, facilitating quick understanding of the information.
  • Cohesive and organized text: The summary is written in clear and cohesive language, with well-structured sentences and organized paragraphs.
  • Option to view the full text: If you need more details, you can access the full text of the sources used.

4. Context and Personalization:

  • Search history: Perplexity AI takes into account the history of your searches to provide more relevant and personalized responses.
  • Understanding the context: He analyzes the context of your question to understand what you are really looking for.
  • Customized responses: Based on your history and the context of the question, Perplexity AI offers personalized responses, adjusted to your needs and interests.
  • Related research suggestions: He may suggest related searches to your topic of interest so that you can deepen your knowledge.

5. Follow-up Capability:

  • Ask new questions on the same topic: You can ask new questions on the same topic and Perplexity AI will use the knowledge gained from the conversation to provide even more accurate and complete answers.
  • Continuous dialogue: Perplexity AI enables a continuous dialogue, allowing you to explore a topic from different aspects and ask questions.
  • Learning and improvement: With each new question, Perplexity AI learn and improve your knowledge, becoming increasingly capable of providing relevant and useful answers.

Notes: Perplexity AI is useful for anyone who wants to find information on the web. It is a free, efficient and easy-to-use tool. An important difference is that, when searching or asking something to the chatbot, it responds in writing and mentions the sources, as well as highlighting pages that may be of interest for that specific search. Perplexity AI can also be an excellent assistant for smaller SEO tasks like generating meta descriptions, title tags and article titles.

Test also:

* The text of this article was partially generated by artificial intelligence tools, state-of-the-art language models that assist in the preparation, review, translation and summarization of texts. Text entries were created by the Curto News and responses from AI tools were used to improve the final content.
It is important to highlight that AI tools are just tools, and the final responsibility for the published content lies with the Curto News. By using these tools responsibly and ethically, our objective is to expand communication possibilities and democratize access to quality information.

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