Unriddle: Optimizing academic research with AI

Unriddle is an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered reading and research assistant. The platform allows the user to locate information in a document, explain details, correlate data, answer questions, locate sources of information and optimize research and academic production time.

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guideUnriddle: Optimizing academic research with AI
CATEGORYText and Productivity
WHAT IS IT FOR?Finding and summarizing information in texts
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?Free and paid plans (starting at US$16 per month)
WHERE DO I FIND?unriddle.ai
IT IS WORTH IT?Yes, the tool has several features to optimize time when interpreting documents.

How to access Unriddle

1. Access the website Unriddle;

2. Create an account;

  • On the Unriddle home page, click the “Create Account” button.
  • Enter your email address and a strong password.
  • Click on the “Create account” button.

3. Check your email;

  • You will receive a confirmation email from Unriddle.
  • Open the email and click on the confirmation link.

4. Login to your account;

  • Return to the Unriddle website.
  • Enter your email address and password on the login screen.
  • Click the “Join” button.

5. Start producing a new document or import a file from your computer for analysis.



  • Natural language search: Ask questions in natural language, as if you were talking to a chatbot, and Unriddle will understand what you are looking for.
  • Instant results: The tool displays instant results as you type, so you can start exploring relevant information as quickly as possible.
  • Reliable sources: The platform prioritizes high-quality, trustworthy sources in its results, so you can be sure you're getting accurate information.
  • Smart organization: Organization of results intelligently, grouping related information and highlighting the most important points.
  • Advanced Features: Advanced features like searching for specific topics, filtering results by content type, and comparing results from different sources.


  • Time saving
  • Increased productivity
  • Improved decision making
  • More effective learning
In summary, Unriddle is a powerful tool that can help you:
  • Find relevant information faster.
  • Be more productive in your work or studies.
  • Make more informed decisions.
  • Learn new things more easily.

Remarks: Unriddle is a tool to optimize time and results for academic research and data extraction. The tool offers several features for finding information and interactivity between teams. Unriddle has a free plan and paid plans starting at US$16 per month.

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