Image credits: José Cruz/Agência Brasil

Alckmin criticizes Bolsonaro's challenge to electronic voting machines

The former governor and vice-presidential candidate on Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's (PT) ticket, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), criticized the questioncomments from President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) regarding the security of electronic voting machines. "This challenge is ridiculous, because Bolsonaro was elected five times using the electronic ballot box. Now, it no longer works? In the last election, he was elected president of the Republic and his two sons (parliamentarians). It makes no sense," said Alckmin this Thursday on Friday (29), in a hearing held by Folha and UOL. "It's a misguided agenda," he added.

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Questionado se o presidente Bolsonaro estaria preparando um tumulto semelhante ao que ocorreu no Capitólio após a derrota do ex-presidente Donald Trump nos Estados Unidos, Alckmin disse que “pode ser”. “É também diversionista. Em vez de discutir como recuperar economia, como melhorar saúde, de tratar dos problemas reais do País, como fome, desemprego, fica nesse diversionismo. Não é uma agenda do povo. É o estilo autoritário”, afirmou o ex-governador.


Helpful vote

Geraldo Alckmin also refuted criticism from other presidential candidates regarding the PT ticket's request for a useful vote. “No one asks for a useful vote. Everyone asks for a vote. Every candidate wants to win in the first round. It is not a useful vote campaign. It is a vote campaign”, he said on the hearing.

The former governor, however, defended the resolution of the election in the first round. “It’s better for Brazil because it gets out of this confusion, these fights. Suddenly, there could even be death, an accident, a tragedy. It’s better for the people because it gives them more time to organize and for the economy because it gives them more time to structure themselves,” he said. “If there is a second round, we will be there,” he added.

Alckmin also stated that whether it is victory in the first or second round, the victory of whoever wins “cannot be contested”. “I think there is a chance (of victory in the 1st round) because the voter analyzes reality and tries to decide, not because there is a useful vote request. Victory in the first round avoids fights and gives more time for transition. Unfortunately, we are not in a normal environment,” he emphasized.


Comparing with the 2018 election, Alckmin said that the “dehydration” of the candidates at the ends is less because the candidates have fewer votes than those in 2018, in which he ran as a candidate for President.


During the hearing, Alckmin also criticized the questioncomments on the Judiciary. “We are living in abnormality and contestation by the Judiciary. It is a mistake to work against institutions and other Powers. We need to strengthen them, improve them. It’s an authoritarian thing,” he said.

The former governor stated that he does not expect a scenario of suspicion for institutions in Brazil. “When you raise suspicion without facts, it is not appropriate. It is a spread of fake news”, he pointed out, adding that we must respect achievements such as the creation of an Electoral Court.


Dilma's impeachment was unfair and there is no greater pedal than the current one, says Alckmin

During the hearing, Alckimin said that the impeachment of former president Dilma Rousseff (PT) was “unfair”, but refuted the classification of the process as a “coup”. “You can’t say it was a coup because the Federal Supreme Court presided over (the process). I think it was unfair because in reality Dilma is an honest and correct person,” he said. He added that he always liked the former president – ​​and that they always had a good relationship.

Alckmin said that from the beginning he did not see Dilma's impeachment with “favorable eyes”. “I was never in favor of impeachment, although I voted for the impeachment of former president Fernando Collor. When Dilma's impeachment began, I didn't see it favorably and I had several conversations with party leadership and there were also legal doubts about fiscal pedaling,” he stated. He said that there is no greater cycle than the current one with a primary deficit of 10% of GDP, non-payment of debt and spending above revenue. “We must be cautious with impeachment and perhaps improve the legislation. I am in favor of the instrument, but we must improve it in order for the government to have governability”, he pointed out.


Regarding the Workers' Party corruption cases and the Lava Jato operation against former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Alckmin stated that the former president was acquitted in the 2nd Federal District Court and the trial was annulled by the Federal Supreme Court. “We cannot criminalize politics and the legal system cannot be partisan. I think that (arrest of) Lula was done to remove former president Lula from the 2018 election, which was proven after we saw that there was no competence for the process to be in Curitiba and there was partiality. He was wronged,” he stated. “I didn’t think it was right for (Sérgio) Moro, having been a judge in the case in which Lula was removed from the election, to accept being minister for whoever won,” he noted.

(With Estadão Content)

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