10 questions and answers about the use of anabolic steroids

The prescription of anabolic steroids for aesthetic purposes and improving sports performance has been banned since April this year by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM). In addition to the serious health risks, there is no scientific proof of the benefits and safety. Despite this, they continue to be prescribed and, according to doctors, the number of patients with serious complications continues to grow. That's why we've separated the main questions so you can understand the subject.

Hormonal therapies with androgenic and anabolic steroids (AAS) are a group of synthetic substances based on the hormone testosterone.


“I have been receiving more and more cases referred by cardiologists, hepatologists and psychiatrists. These complications are often irreversible and potentially fatal”, warns endocrinologist Clayton Macedo, who coordinates the Exercise and Sports Endocrinology Center at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and the Exercise and Sports Endocrinology Service at the Federal University of São Paulo. Paulo (Unifesp).

The subject was the subject of a scientific meeting of the Brazilian Society of Exercise and Sports Medicine, which deconstructed the main reasons used by prescribers of the famous “pumps” for aesthetic and performance purposes.

Check out 10 questions and answers prepared by experts about the use of anabolic steroids below:


1. Do doctors have the autonomy to prescribe medicines and, therefore, can they prescribe anabolic steroids?

Doctors have autonomy but with limits on prescribing medications, including anabolic steroids. The prescription must be based on responsibility and the principles of bioethics, considering the harms and benefits of each treatment. The use of hormones requires precise indications and approval in specific cases.

2. If a person is very tired, can testosterone help them feel better?


Testosterone is not a solution for chronic fatigue, as this problem can have several complex causes, from sleep habits, metabolic, cardiovascular, psychological conditions and lifestyle. It is necessary to investigate the underlying causes for proper diagnosis and treatment. Testosterone is not recommended as a form of fatigue relief.

3. Are the side effects of anabolic steroids small and reversible?

On the contrary: anabolic steroids have a long list of side effects that affect various body systems. In the brain, they can lead to increased aggression, leading to more serious conditions, such as hallucinations. They alter body composition, facilitating the accumulation of abdominal and visceral fat, causing fragility in tendons and increasing the risk of rupture. There is no safe dose for using these substances, and some side effects can be irreversible and even fatal.


4. Does the use of testosterone reduce cardiovascular risk?

The use of testosterone has only been scientifically proven to be beneficial for patients with hypogonadism. In healthy people, the use of testosterone can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, among others.

5. Studies show that testosterone improves muscle mass. As it reduces fat and increases muscle, can it be used to treat obesity and especially reduce abdominal fat?

Testosterone has limited benefits in increasing muscle mass, and the claim that this type of steroid is effective for treating obesity has no scientific basis. Studies show benefits only in specific patients, with severe cachexia (a medical condition characterized by weight loss, loss of muscle mass and extreme fatigue in people who are seriously ill) or burns, and who used pharmacological doses of the hormone. Treating obesity requires a comprehensive approach, involving lifestyle changes and, if necessary, specific medical interventions.


6. If women can take the pill or take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), why can't they take steroids?

Contraceptives and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) have specific protocols and known risks: it is made with estrogen and, in some cases, progesterone. During menopause, estrogen plummets, causing negative effects such as increased cholesterol and decreased libido, among others. Testosterone is not part of female hormone replacement, and its dosage is not necessary unless excess is suspected.

In the USA, a young man's body was covered in pimples after taking steroids to gain muscle quickly. Image: Instagram Reproduction

7 . If trans people can use hormones, why can't they be used for aesthetic purposes by other people? 

The use of hormones by transgender people is a legitimate medical intervention, but it must be done under specialized supervision. The use of anabolic steroids for aesthetic purposes presents serious and unpredictable health risks.

8. If the level of hormones drops with age, why can't their dose be increased?

Increasing the dose of hormones in elderly people is not recommended, as aging involves changes throughout the body. Appropriate treatment involves identifying and treating the underlying causes of patients' complaints.

9. The implant used to release hormones (also known as a “beauty chip”) is custom-made and customized based on the patient’s condition. Would it be an alternative?

The use of hormonal implants not approved by health authorities is not recommended, as their composition and pharmacokinetic information – such as the speed of absorption, efficacy and safety of the substances used – are not known. These implants can have similar side effects to anabolic steroids and can be difficult to remove in case of complications.

10. Can anabolic steroids be used as long as there is adequate monitoring of side effects?

The use of anabolic steroids for aesthetic purposes is prohibited and has no scientific basis and there are no studies that attest to their safety and effectiveness in improving sports development, therefore professionals who prescribe them have no scientific basis to guide their practice. There is no safe dose for anabolic steroids, and monitoring side effects is not sufficient to guarantee the safe use of these substances.

(Source: Einstein Agency)

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