3 neurodivergent profiles demystify autism and educate about the topic on Instagram

They were diagnosed with autism and speak openly about the subject on social media, explaining how the neurodivergent brain works, its joys and pains. In addition to helping to demystify Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - surrounded by prejudice throughout history - influencers help children and adults understand autism, provide support to those on the spectrum and tell them how to deal lightly with the disorder. .

@Atalitavieira (318 thousand followers)

“Autism is not an abnormality but a neurodiversity”, explains Lita Vieira on your Instagram profile. Autistic support level 2 – as she herself explains – Lita talks about her specificities with humor and optimism.


The social media profile focuses on autism awareness, but also makes room for sustainability, “natureba” living and the consumption of vegan products. How not to fall in love with this girl?

Lita speaks lightly about how it always is questionada if she is “really autistic”, and explains in a very didactic way that the people included in ASD are normal, with different brain functioning, and different support needs.

The influencer is also evangelical and shares some testimonies of faith on her networks, in addition to giving shows as a singer, playing the keyboard or ukulele.


Autistic teacher (447 thousand followers)

This is the profile of Giovanna Vlašić, music and Japanese language teacher, autistic support level 2 and dyslexic.

She also says she has dyscalculia (learning disorder) and SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder).

In videos, the influencer explains how the autistic brain works and how neurotypicals (who have brain functioning within the standards of the majority) can act to welcome and combat prejudice.


Family on Board (447 thousand followers)

The profile brings together a Brazilian couple who live outside the country. Violet – diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder – and Marcel – diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) have two children, Summer and Stefan. The first, a cute little girl, was also diagnosed with autism.

The family's Instagram profile says: “We help mothers and fathers experience autism in a lighter way.”

In videos, Violet talks about the characteristics of autism in adults – as she herself was diagnosed as an adult – and also how to deal with autism in children, based on her experience with her daughter Summer.


If you identified with the videos, remember that autism is a neurological condition, therefore it must be diagnosed by a specialist!

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