Image credits: AFP

40 of Brazil's 118 health macro-regions have a high rate of Covid-19 cases, says Instituto Todos pela Saúde

According to the Todos pela Saúde Institute (ITpS), in a report released this Thursday (8), 33,9% of Brazilian macro-regions showed an increase in the rate of weekly cases of covid-19 at the beginning of December. Using data from the Ministry of Health, ITpS identified that of the 118 macro-regions in Brazil, 40 had a high number of contaminations. The high rates are mainly in the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, Paraíba and Distrito Federal. O Curto News is a partner with ITpS to disseminate accurate and uncomplicated information about Covid-19.

O All for Health Institute also points out that, ten weeks ago, only 2 macro-regions were experiencing a high rate of cases. With 400 cases per 100 inhabitants, Espírito Santo currently leads the rate of covid-19 cases.


ITpS uses 'nowcasting' methodology

Com base numa metodologia que analisa modelos estatísticos que corrigem o atraso de dados (nowcasting) para prenunciar o atual cenário e a influências das variantes, o ITpS também buscou informações da Universidade Johns Hopkins e do banco internacional Gisaid. Isso porque as amostras disponibilizadas no Gisaid foram coletadas de 25 de setembro a 18 de novembro. 

According to ITpS, “The generation of sequencing data is a complex and multidisciplinary process, with delays being common between the collection of samples and the deposit of genomes in Gisaid. Therefore, ITpS used the nowcasting". 

Em relação as variantes, com base nas informações de sequenciamento genômico do SARS-CoV-2 enviados pelo Brasil ao banco internacional, o ITpS entende que a BQ.1 é predominante no Centro-Oeste, Nordeste e Sudeste. Por outro lado, no sul dominam as variantes B1. e BA.5, enquanto no norte se sobressai apenas a BA.5.


ITpS also updated data regarding the positivity rate of tests for SARS-CoV-2. The percentage changed from 41% to 37%, comparing the weeks ending on November 19th and 26th of the same month. The number was adjusted accordingly after receiving new analysis data from the Institute's partner laboratories: Dasa, DB Molecular and HLAGyn.

O Curto News é parceiro do Instituto Todos Pela Saúde

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