Nikolas and Boulos
Image credits: Reproduction/Social media

The exchange of barbs in the debate between the most voted deputies in the Southeast

This Wednesday (12), CNN promoted a debate between the most voted elected representatives from the Southeast, Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), from São Paulo, and Nikolas Ferreira (PL), from Minas Gerais. The discussion was marked by insults between the candidates, who were divided in their support for the candidacies of Lula (PT) and Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

Even though questionated about their government plans for the coming years, the deputies did not stop exchanging insults. Nikolas called Boulos “without a jet roof”, on the other hand Boulos called Nikolas “empty-headed”.


The video of the two's discussion gained space on social media. The most shared excerpt among Bolsonarists was Nikolas' speech about a photo, which appeared on the internet a while ago, showing the PSOL deputy on an aircraft. Boulos was on the plane at the invitation of Walfrido Warde, president of IREE (Institute for Reform of State-Business Relations), who invited him to participate in a meeting in another state.

Furthermore, Nikolas said that Boulos was in “withdrawal”, as he will need to stay four years without breaking into property.

Boulos retrucou, dizendo que apoiaria uma invasão “da cabeça de Nikolas”.


“Se tem alguma invasão que precisa ser feita nesse país é a invasão dessa sua cabecinha oca. Inclusive estaria respaldada na Constituição, por ser um cérebro sem muita função social”, respondeu. “O bolsonarismo é só isso, xingamento, ataque, baixaria, levar debate para moralismo rasteiro e hipócrita que não tem um projeto de país.”

The atmosphere of the debate became tense and the presenter, journalist Luciana Barreto, had to ask parliamentarians to lower their tone.

“I ask that we not have any more personal attacks, otherwise we will never end this debate. The intention is that we always have a purposeful conversation,” she said.


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