Image credits: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Analysis: The Lula government must react quickly to contain the coup plotters

The attempted coup d'état launched this Sunday, January 8, 2023, was not buried with the withdrawal of the extremists from Praça dos Três Poderes and the arrest of a few hundred of them, just a small portion of those who promoted so much destruction and stained history of the Country. We cannot deceive ourselves. In the coming days, weeks and months, this political epidemic created and fed by the creature called Jair Bolsonaro must continue trying to attack Brazilian democracy.

Therefore, responses to this sordid movement must be vigorous and quick. The response mandated by the law, with the identification and punishment of the protagonists of these acts. Including and especially the sponsors of the coup movement, whoever they may be – military personnel, authorities, businesspeople and journalists. Jair Bolsonaro is obviously most responsible for these crimes and must pay for them as required by law.


There is also the political response, no less important. The Lula government urgently needs to seek a much wider range of political support than has been suggested so far. It needs to attract large segments of Brazilian society that feel orphaned in the current scenario. It needs to abandon dogmas and resentments, and assume, in fact, not only in the figure of Lula, but of the entire top echelon, the stance of a government of national reconciliation.

We also have to abandon old economic recipes that have repeatedly proven disastrous and listen to the arguments and warnings of economic agents. Building a bridge between a responsible economic policy, without populist solutions, and the fight against social injustice may seem more difficult, but it is the only viable path.

With the support of a broader segment of society and an economic path in which sustainable development can be envisaged, the Lula government will be able to gradually silence the sectors that support the coup. If not, we will have more dark times ahead.


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