Image credits: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Analysis: We need to follow alerts in defending our democracy and freedoms

It is not easy to digest the National Congress elected this Sunday (2) by us, Brazilian voters. If the composition of our representatives was already bad, it will get much worse. We have more denialists, weaponists, enemies of sustainability, radicals of all stripes and people who are highly suspected – or proven – of corruption.

Of course, there are elected officials whose purposes offer us seriousness and commitment, whether we agree with them or not. But these are specific cases.


Who would have thought that we would miss the times when Tiririca's election to the Chamber of Deputies (in fact, elected again yesterday) was one of the greatest eccentricities.

This election shows that, in Brazil, crime, lies, and scoundrels still pay off, a lot. And as long as this continues, this legal or moral impunity, it will be very difficult to implement a real agenda of development, inclusion, sustainability, education, justice.

Despite these setbacks, we have to continue working tirelessly to change our country's agenda, to train new leaders, and to provide more quality education for all.


Lula X Bolsonaro

In the case of the Presidency of the Republic, the second round should not be so surprising. There is a Brazil to be discovered by us journalists, academics, artists. A Brazil that is not the mirror we insist on imagining. An almost denialism prevails about the real Brazil.

Electoral polls predicted, with their margins of error or not, the possibility of a final round between Lula and Bolsonaro. It has not been a happy journey for most serious research institutes, but that does not justify them being harassed with the aim of extermination. They made mistakes in the past, they will make them in the future, but they are fundamental in shaping the scenario for society. Whoever wants the end of research wants obscurantism, authoritarianism, the green light for fake news.

We will have three intense weeks. Lula comes out ahead based on the numbers from the first round, but he will have to open up to dialogue with other political forces, outline programs, recognize past mistakes more clearly, demonstrate more humility, if he wants to preserve and expand this fragile favoritism of today.


From Bolsonaro, it is difficult to expect changes. It would be surprising if he started adopting a minimally responsible, republican stance. If he democratically accepts a possible defeat, without prior coup threats, it would be a relief. But that's wanting too much.

We need to follow alerts in defense of our democracy and freedoms.

(João Caminoto)

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