Image credits: AFP

Analysis: Second debate should not have moved the needle; the last one could be decisive, in a tense week

The debate held this Saturday (24) between the main presidential candidates does not seem to have had a relevant impact on voting intentions, like the first event. As polls indicate a concrete possibility of the election being closed in the first round, it remains to be seen whether Lula's absence may have had any effect.

 There is still one debate left this week, in theory the most important as it is the last and will feature the participation of the PT candidate and Bolsonaro. He could be decisive in tipping the election towards closure in the first round or not.


Yesterday's debate served once again to confirm that the rules for these events need to be rethought. In a rare opportunity to discuss proposals for the country in earnest, space was made for a figure with no political relevance and who appeared to be merely a poor supporting actor supporting Bolsonaro. A sad role played by the PTB candidate.

This last week should be intense and could be very tense, with fears of violence between opposition activists on the streets and renewed questionchanges to electronic voting machines by Bolsonaro and his supporters.

Time to stay alert in defense of democracy.

(João Caminoto)

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