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Gas crisis: Europe prepares to face winter without Russia's energy source

Amid the war in Ukraine, European countries facing energy rationing due to the lack of gas coming from Russia are preparing for the harshest phase of winter. With energy prices soaring, people in countries such as Latvia, Poland and Bulgaria are turning to other forms of heating.

The invasion of Ucrania by Russia has caused consequences not only for the countries involved in the armed conflict, but also for neighboring European countries that depend on energy supplied by Russians.


The cut in the supply of natural gas coming from Russia is either in response to sanctions from European countries (to force Vladimir Putin's government to end the war), or by failures in Nord Stream 1, Europe's main gas pipeline, coming from Russian territory

Winter without gas?

European countries are preparing to face a winter without the gas that comes from the warring power, an important energy source for heating homes in sub-zero temperatures. In Latvia, residents began installing their own water heaters.

The crisis is already causing outrage among the population and is declared on the networks:


Russian gas was shut off in Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and Poland. Other countries are reducing the flow.

Italy reduced heating and the use of air conditioning in schools and public administration. Spain and Germany copied the initiative. A decree will remove night lighting from stores and ask the population to use public transport instead of using a private car.

“Several homes will not be able to afford the energy increases, says the spokesman for the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer center, Udo Sieverding, to AFP. Many are seeking information about installing solar panels, while coal sellers are not keeping up with demand.


Global energy crisis

The war between Russia and Ukraine created the “first true energy crisis in world history”, says Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) to AFP.

Germany is the nation most dependent on gas from Russia. Gas is the main energy source for the country's heavy industry, which was left out of European sanctions against Russia. On the other hand, measures imposed to pressure the Russian government include a total or progressive embargo of other sources, such as coal and oil. 

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If there is a shortage, the authorities will cut off supplies to companies, both in France and Germany. It has not yet been decided which country will be sacrificed first.


The European Union called for a 15% reduction in gas consumption. Spain and Portugal managed to get Brussels to reduce its target to 7% due to its lower level of energy connection with the rest of the continent. 

Source: AFP

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