After supporting Damares' request for impeachment, Xuxa becomes the target of Bolsonaro supporters

The petition, which calls for the impeachment of Damares Alves (Republicans) before assuming the position of senator elected by the Federal District, is headed by the ex-wife of Valdemar Costa Neto, president of PL, President Jair Bolsonaro's party and candidate for re-election. Damares is being questionaccused of talking about a sexual exploitation scheme in Marajó (PA) without having presented evidence or shown that the case had been forwarded to the police authorities when she was Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights.

A petition, which calls for the impeachment of Damares Alves before she tome assuming the position of senator, is going viral on social media with the support of several artists, including Xuxa Meneghel. The presenter has received a barrage of attacks from Bolsonarists on the networks since Wednesday (12).


The queen of little people published, via Instagram Stories, on Tuesday (11), the link to the petition created by Maria Christina Mendes Caldeira, ex-wife of Valdemar Costa Neto, president of PL, party of president Jair Bolsonaro, and already has 540 thousand signatures.

Understand the case 👇:

In Xuxa's last Instagram post, it was possible to see numerous offensive messages from supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL). The offenses associated Xuxa with pedophilia, because of the film “Amor Estranho Amor”, in which the presenter acts naked with a teenager. “He made an erotic film with children and now it’s here”, says one of the attacks.

The film is from 1982 and talks about the sexual exploitation of children and teenagers. Xuxa played a call girl who gets involved with Hugo (Marcelo Ribeiro), a 12-year-old boy and son of Anna (Vera Fischer), another prostitute where they work.


This is not the first time that Xuxa has been targeted by Bolsonarists. In a recent episode, she was criticized by politicians supporting Jair Bolsonaro because she refused to take a photo with a voter of the president.

Xuxa had to post the photo to prove that this had never happened. The photo of the presenter, taken on the same day with the “old fan and follower”, was published in Jornal O Globo. The fan is a follower of Jair Bolsonaro and thelooks like in a video questionI follow the queen's political position.

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