Naldo’s stories and the “Gisele na Sapucaí” version; check out this week's podcasts

Singer Naldo Benny's stories have gone viral on social media and the most recent one happened in an interview with Flow Podcast, Naldo ''revealed'' why model Gisele Bündchen spent Carnival in Sapucaí.

One-on-one – Sônia Guajajara

This month, the Minister of Indigenous Peoples, Sônia Guajajara, went to the Mano Brown podcast. She had a conversation about the humanitarian and health crisis facing indigenous peoples in Brazil.


"I feel very honored and happy with the appointment as Minister. More than a personal achievement, this is a collective achievement of indigenous peoples, a historic moment of the principle of reparation in Brazil. The creation of the Ministry is confirmation of the commitment that Lula assumes with us”, said the minister at the time of nominating her name for the portfolio.

Naldo in Flow

Naldo Benny went to Flow and said that the muse Gisele Bündchen came to Rio de Janeiro's carnival just because he asked, and not for sponsorship.

“I did a show there in Miami (in the United States), and Gisele was there that day. We became friends. We exchanged phone numbers and started talking from then on. Then I invited Gisele to come to Carnival this year. Brahma invited, other people invited, and I convinced her to be here”, said Naldo Benny.”


The Atelier

The episode of O Ateliê, by Chico Felitti and Beatriz Trevisan, talked about the father of a former disciple, who reported on what he saw and felt in the years in which his son was part of what he thought was a school. Mirela, meanwhile, writes a letter to her father, sharing her feelings regarding what she experienced.

Stories from Beyond

Our Listener Reports This week, a woman named Mariene shares a horrifying story that has been passed down from generation to generation in her family. Her great-grandmother, one dark night, found a werewolf inside the house, looking for her baby. The story is told with great detail, bringing to light the courage and determination of this woman who faced a supernatural threat to protect her family!

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