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BBB23: internet reacts to Casa de Vidro participants

Big Brother Brasil 23 only premieres next Monday (16), but Casa de Vidro is already happening! The space opened this Tuesday (10) and has four participants confined to the Via Parque shopping mall, in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. Next Thursday (12), all the brothers and sisters in this edition will be revealed. And you? Are you going to keep an eye on the most watched house in Brazil?

For the first time in the history of reality, the Glass House it was opened before the show's debut. But don't think that the four confined participants already have their place guaranteed! They will have to compete for two places on the program, as only one man and one woman will be part of the official cast. It will be up to the public to choose which ones they will be and compute the votes in the gshow.


Presenter Ana Clara Lima was at the Rio shopping mall this Tuesday morning to talk to the newly announced participants. From now on, you can follow everything about BBB23 on balloon play

Who are the participants?

Divulgation/TV Globo

Born in Campinas and resident of Rio de Janeiro, Giovanna is 25 years old and is a businesswoman in the beauty products sector. She loves fashion, is a gamer and has even been recognized for her game broadcasts. 

Divulgation/TV Globo

Manoel is a 32-year-old psychiatrist from Cuiabá. He says he is a fan of 'free love' and feels free to do whatever he wants when he enters the house. Oh, and he has a huge crush on João Guilherme!


Divulgation/TV Globo

Paula is a 28-year-old biomedical doctor from Jacundá, Pará. She says she sees “Big Brother as my salvation”. 

Divulgation/TV Globo

Gabriel lives in Florianópolis, is 24 years old and has a degree in administration, but changed the direction of his life to become a model. Curiosity? On the internet, people are already saying that he had a relationship with Anitta, Luísa Sousa and Gabi Lopes. 

And what is the public thinking?

When does the season start BBB, the subject does not leave people's mouths and social networks are full of gossip and opinions. With the beginning of Glass House, comments, memes and even serious topics have already started to circulate:


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