Rumors and fear of attacks in schools: what scholars say about the topic

In an attempt to stop new attacks on schools - at least 4 in a month - and end with a wave of rumors and threats around April 20th (date of the Columbine massacre in the USA), scholars try to look for paths and strategies that pass for understanding the problem, dialoguing with society and taking actions that are not just in the area of ​​security.

“Create guidance protocols for parents and teachers on how to act in cases of threat, violence, aggression and incivility”, “create support and listening services for psychologists and social workers”, mainly “to combat this climate of violence and intolerance” that is established in the country in recent years, are some of the suggestions of the sociologist Rudá Ricci, researcher on the topics of education and citizenship.


The sociologist believes that recordings containing rumors, misinformation and threats, which previously seemed like uncoordinated attitudes, have been orchestrated to cause chaos in the country, as happened on January 8th.

“We cannot deny that there is intelligence behind this. There are messages, for example, about possible attacks on universities. These extremist organizations in the country are wanting to build a new January 8, 2023 (day of terrorist acts against the Three Powers). Now, involving education.”

Security is more than creating barriers and placing police officers in schools

In the opinion of researcher Katia Dantas, consultant for the implementation of practices in child protection and school environments, violence in educational units is complex, and having a soldier at the door will not solve the problem.


“We need to understand that security is different from protection. Today, we observe that many of the attacks are children committing violence against other children and teachers. There are few people who come from outside to commit an attack inside the school.”

Katia Dantas highlights that most of these attacks focus on systematic violence in the life of the person being attacked, such as history of bullying, intimidation and family abuse, and these situations show signs at school.

Identifying and working against bullying should be one of the focuses of educators, parents and governments, experts point out. Photo: Pexels

“It is urgent that schools learn to identify abuse. We need to start changing this perception. Today, for example, we know that socio-emotional skills are part of the national curriculum. But very few parents know how to demand it from schools”, says Katia Dantas.


Proposals from parliamentarians are not enough, says Instituto Sou da Paz

Several parliamentarians have filed proposals for initiatives to prevent new school attacks, most of which are for security reasons with the installation of metal detectors, backpack inspections and guards at the doors. O Sou da Paz Institute, an NGO that works to combat violence, warns, however, that most of them are ineffective.

In a public note, the Institute recalls that the United States has faced a similar situation since 1999, when the Columbine massacre took place, and since then, the same measures proposed today by Brazilian parliamentarians have been implemented there. None of them resolved: even bigger massacres occurred after that, as occurred in Parkland, Florida, in 2018.

 “The evidence shows that initiatives that only direct investment in more security within schools do not work”, points out the institute. The main investment should be in identify conflicts, bullying and deal with them, strengthening the school structure and the capacity of teachers and technical staff to do so, in addition to providing support for the mental health of workers and students”, he recommends.


Placing security at school doors does not solve the problem, says expert. Photo: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Stark social differences between the country's schools

The president of the National Confederation of Education Workers (CNTE), Heleno Araújo, also recalls that there are striking inequalities in the country's school environment: institutions in good condition and others without electricity; professionals who are paid on time and with adequate working conditions, others are not.

“There is a lot to be done in search of an environment that is minimally capable of guaranteeing security and peace, tranquility and solidarity within the school space and outside it”, he assesses. He says that he received a photo of a class in a city in Goiás, in which the children appeared in a type of shooting exercise, as part of a civic-military school task. “This completely disfigures the perspective of human formation that we want. ”

(With information from Agência Brasil)

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