Bolsonaristas make a motorcade through the streets of São Paulo, swear and are harassed

In cars with Brazilian flags, some with windows down and faces painted green and yellow, supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro were caught by the news report. Curto News in a motorcade along Avenida Angélica, on the way from the center of São Paulo to Avenida Paulista. With shouts of "Lula the thief", the protesters received Lula's "L" in response and insults from pedestrians and motorcyclists who were surprised by the motorcade.

“But won’t we have peace?” asked the nurse, who preferred not to be identified, when surprised by the Bolsonarista motorcade at the intersection of Veiga Filho Street and Angélica Avenue, between Santa Cecília and the upscale neighborhood of Higienópolis.


Amazed by the image of the car occupants – displaying the green and yellow colors of the flag as a symbol of Bolsonarism – the nurse preferred not to speak out with gestures or words. Even so, she received an insult from a woman with her face painted blue, who was passing by in one of the vehicles.

On the other side of the street, a group of local commerce workers responded with “bums”, “Bolsonaro is over”, “It's Lula”. Another group of students made jokes and signaled the “L” for the motorcade as it descended from Angélica.

A motorcycle, with a man in uniform, closed the intersection of Veiga Filho Street and Angélica Avenue, to keep the convoy passing through the avenue, even with the traffic lights at red.


A motorcycle courier was arguing with the man in uniform. On the sidewalk, a member of the public shouted: “This is Lula, go to work!”

Call on social media

The motorcades were called on social media by Bolsonaro supporters. The following left the Ibirapuera “HQ”, the Southeast Military Command:

Reaction to the dismantling of the barracks?

In a WhatsApp group of residents of Santa Cecília, one person questionAva: “Is this a reaction to the dismantling of the barracks?”


On social media, this Friday (6), several videos circulated showing violent reactions from Bolsonaro supporters reacting to “eviction” actions from the camps in front of the barracks. In one of them, a Band reporting team was the target of aggression from campers.

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