Bolsonaro in JN: interview provokes virtual war and pots and pans

The internet became a stage for war with President Jair Bolsonaro's (PL) interview on Jornal Nacional, this Monday (22). Of the 30 most commented topics on Twitter, 20 were related to the candidate's interview, according to monitoring by the Curto News. On the networks, users also shared pots and memes.

Minutes before Jair Bolsonaro's interview began, digital media were already showing reactions in repudiation of the candidate, with “panelaços” being registered in several cities as a form of protest against the candidate for re-election.


The first hearing with the presidential candidates on a free-to-air broadcaster showed that the mood among Brazilians is heightened and the atmosphere of Fla X Flu (or Brazil X Argentina) still dominates discussions when it comes to Brazilian politics.

On the one hand, those who liked the criticisms and points addressed by William Bonner and Renata Vasconcellos. On the other, those who say that Bolsonaro answered all the questions well.

There was no shortage of memes

The Brazilian's creativity in creating memes almost simultaneously with an event did not disappoint! Just a quick visit to Google to find the most interesting creations. But the “glue in the hand” – words written in pen on the president’s hand – was one of the most satirized themes on the networks:


President Jair Bolsonaro gave an interview to journalists William Bonner and Renata Vasconcellos, inaugurating Jornal Nacional's series of interviews with presidential candidates. Ciro Gomes (PDT) will be the next to participate in the hearing on Tuesday (23). Former president Lula – who appears to be leading polls of voting intentions – will be interviewed on Thursday (25); and Simone Tebet appears on the JN bench on Friday (26).

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