Image credits: Marcos Correa

Bolsonaro will receive a pension of R$30; find out more at Curto Flash

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), granted parliamentary retirement to President Jair Bolsonaro, the value of which could reach R$30 thousand. See more details at Curto Flash, our selection of the main headlines of the moment!

Lira grants R$30 pension to Bolsonaro

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), established that Bolsonaro receives a pension corresponding to 32,5% of his parliamentary allowance, plus 20/35 (twenty-fifths) of the remuneration set for members of the National Congress. Currently, the president already receives around R$12 in retirement as a retired Army captain. (Estadão Conteúdo)


“Heir of Terror”

Son of Osama bin Laden says he is traumatized by practices he witnessed from al-Qaeda during his childhood. Omar bin Laden reports panic attacks and that he became a painter to try to forget life in Afghanistan. In an interview with the British newspaper “The Sun”, Omar said that his father would like him to continue his legacy, in a kind of “heir of terror”. (Extra)

Hid money in the sofa

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa's future is uncertain after bundles of money were found hidden in a sofa located in one of his properties. There was speculation of a possible resignation following the scandal, but it was ruled out. The president could be the target of impeachment proceedings. Parliament meets next week to decide what measures will be taken. (AFP)

Earning well

Streamer Casimiro Miguel is broadcasting the World Cup in Qatar and no one knew until then how much he was receiving. It turns out that Case has already earned more than R$830 thousand, and the World Cup is still in its first phase. In one broadcast, he accidentally let slip how much he had already raised. (Folha de S. Paul 🚥)


Extreme poverty breaks record

11,6 million Brazilians now live below the poverty line due to the covid-19 pandemic, according to a study by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Since 2012, Brazil has not seen such a large increase in this condition. In 2021, the rate of people living in poverty increased by 22,7% compared to 2020. The number of people in extreme poverty increased by 48,2%. (G1)

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