Brumadinho population has high exposure to heavy metals

After three years, the impact of metals caused by the collapse of the dam in Brumadinho is analyzed in research. The results point to damage to mental health.

Arsenic, manganese, cadmium, mercury and lead. These are the metals that had the greatest impact on the population of the Brumadinho region after the environmental disaster caused by the collapse of the mining company Vale's dam three years ago. This is what research carried out by Fiocruz Minas and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) presents. 


According to the study, adults, children and adolescents living in the city have higher exposure rates. A summary of key survey data includes an assessment of residents' mental health. The mental health assessment included questions about the medical diagnosis of some conditions. Among adults, when asked about a diagnosis of depression, the percentage was 22,5%, a number higher than the 10,2% reported by the Brazilian adult population during the 2019 PNS. The diagnosis of anxiety or sleep problems was reported by 33,4% of respondents over 18 years of age. Among adolescents, 10,4% reported a medical diagnosis of depression and 20,1% of anxiety.

The application of the scales to people over 18 years old showed that 29,4% had a depressive episode and 19,2% had an anxiety disorder. Among adolescents, the application of the scales showed prevalence rates of 28,2% for depressive episodes and 15,6% for anxiety disorders.

The complete reports of the Saúde Brumadinho and Bruminha projects, presenting all the analyzes carried out, are available on the research website.


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