Image credits: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Chamber approves project that guarantees pensions for children of feminicide victims; find out more at Curto Flash

The text proposes that the benefit be paid until the child or adolescent turns 18, as long as the family meets the income criteria. Project will be analyzed by senators. Find out more at Curto Flash, our selection of the main headlines of the moment. Game Curto is fast!

Children of feminicide victims should receive a pension

The Chamber of Deputies approved this Thursday (9) a proposal that creates a special pension for children and adolescents whose mother has been a victim of feminicide.


The project will still be analyzed by the Senate. It provides that the benefit will be paid to children under 18 years of age from families with a per capita income equal to or less than a quarter of the minimum wage (R$325,50). According to the text, the value of a minimum wage will be paid until biological or adopted children reach the age of majority, that is, 18 years of age. (FSP)(I.e.

Bolsonaro government acted to omit jewelry scandal during the election year

The Jair Bolsonaro government pressured auditors, omitted information and calculatedly remained silent about the illegal jewelry scandal, so that the attempt to illegally enter million-dollar items into Brazil would not come to light in the middle of an election year, withpromehaving his performance at the polls and the search for re-election. (Estadão)(I.e.

Aziz will investigate possible relationship between jewelry and sale of refinery

Senator Omar Aziz (PSD-AM), recently elected to chair the Transparency and Inspection Commission, said he will investigate the possible relationship between the sale of a refinery and the jewelry received as a gift from the Saudi Arabian government by Jair's government Bolsonaro (PL). (UOL)


MPF asks the Chamber of Deputies to investigate Nikolas Ferreira’s speech

The Federal Public Ministry (MPF) asked the Ethics Council in the Chamber of Deputies to investigate federal deputy Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG) after alleged transphobia.

“It is repugnant for a congressman to use the garb of parliamentary immunity to, premeditatedly, commit a crime subject to imputation against any citizen”, highlights the statement from the Federal Attorney's Office for Citizens' Rights of the Public Ministry. (CNN Brazil)

CPI das Americanas

Deputies collected 216 signatures and filed this Thursday (9) the request for the creation of the CPI das Americanas. The minimum required, according to the regulations, is 171 signatures.


Now, the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), will analyze whether there is a determined fact for the installation of the CPI. This is the first request to open a CPI in the current legislature. (g1)

Accident in Greece

The Greek court opened, this Thursday (9), a criminal case against three employees of the railway system after the indictment of the director of a station following the collision between two trains, a tragedy that caused 57 deaths on February 28.

The three employees are being sued for “manslaughter due to negligence”, “bodily injury” and “disturbing transport security”, a judicial source told AFP. (AFP)


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