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Cartoonist Paulo Caruso dies in São Paulo; see more at Curto Flash

The famous cartoonist Paulo Caruso, aged 73, died this Saturday (4) after being hospitalized in São Paulo with complications from bowel cancer. See more at Curto Flash, our selection of the main headlines of the moment.

Paulo Caruso dies

Paulo Caruso was the twin brother of Chico Caruso, also a cartoonist, born in São Paulo, on December 6, 1949. He studied architecture at USP, but always dedicated himself to cartoons. With an extensive career, with stints in periodicals such as Folha de São Paulo, Paulo was currently working as a cartoonist for the program on Roda Viva, on TV Cultura.


He had been hospitalized for a month to treat complications from cancer at the Nove de Julho hospital, in the capital of São Paulo, but the family asked that he be untubated this Saturday morning. Caruso did not survive the procedure. (FSP) (I.e.

Michelle Bolsonaro's diamonds

Diamond jewelry belonging to former president Jair Bolsonaro and first lady Michelle, seized at Guarulhos airport in São Paulo, was about to be included in a Federal Revenue auction after the former president's failed attempt to recover the items.

O Estadão found out that Bolsonaro tried to illegally bring to Brazil jewelry worth more than R$16 million presented by the Saudi government and which was seized in the backpack of a soldier, advisor to the then Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque, who traveled to the Middle East in October 2021.


The newspaper also found that the Chopard necklace, earrings, ring and watch, worth 3 million euros, spent more than a year in the possession of customs, and would be offered at auction of items seized by the Revenue for tax evasion. of taxes. (Estadão)

Councilor's death investigated as femicide

The Civil Police of Ceará are investigating the death of the mayor of Juazeiro do Norte, Yanny Brena (PL), aged 26, and her boyfriend, Rickson Pinto, found on Friday morning (3), in the residence where they lived, in the Lagoa Seca neighborhood, in the interior of Ceará. An examination was carried out at the scene and, only after the report, it will be possible to confirm the cause of the deaths. The case is being investigated as a femicide as there are no signs of forced entry. Rickson had a record of illegal possession of a firearm. Details of the deaths have not yet been released. (UOL)

Who wants to be a millionaire?

Mega-Sena can pay a prize of R$32 million for those who get the six numbers right in the contest that will be drawn this Saturday (4), at 20pm, in São Paulo. In last Wednesday's contest (1), no one got all six scores right. The minimum Mega-Sena bet costs R$4,50 and can also be placed online, until 19pm. (g1)


'Red Pill' coaches attract men in masculinity crisis

Thoughts from lines such as redpill, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) and incels, which have flourished over the past decade in obscure and anonymous corners of the internet (forums known as “chans”) gain new branches, such as “sigma men”. Now they are becoming popular in a new guise through the advice of coaches and influencers on the most popular social networks, part of an industry that earns money from books, courses, lectures and content monetization. They offer themselves as “masculinity guides” for the resumption of a male-centered society, inferiorizing and demonizing women. One of the precursors of the misogynist movement is Andrew Tate, arrested in Romania accused of sexual exploitation and enslavement of women. (BBCBrazil)

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