With three Oscar nominations, Triangle of Sadness arrives on Prime Video

Last Thursday (02/03), 'Triangle of Sadness' arrived on Prime Video, a film that is nominated for three Oscars, including best film.

Triangle of Sadness features a wealthy elite gathered on a luxurious yacht where there is no shortage of “fancy” food, such as scallops, caviar and expensive champagne. In fact, food is used by the film as a way to expose society's valued elitism.


However, everything changes when the ship sinks and all the passengers find themselves stranded on a desert island. Unable to return home, they organize themselves to survive until rescue arrives.

Surprise at the Oscars

In addition to being nominated for best film, the work is competing for best original screenplay and best direction. All this to bring the discussion about social issues, labor relations and class struggle in a very acidic way and in a satirical tone.

Even though there are no big names in the cast, the plot is well led by illustrious unknowns and secured the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Festival in 2022.


In the United States, the film premiered in October 2022 and, even though it wasn't a huge success, it made enough noise to achieve significant box office sales and attract the attention of critics and the awards themselves.


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