Senate Commission defines that autism report must be permanent; why is it important?

Organizations, family members and people with autism who support the cause celebrated an important victory this week in relation to the need to renew reports with a diagnosis of autism. On Wednesday (17), the Human Rights Commission (CDH) approved the project by senator Romário (PL-RJ) which determines that the report diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has permanent validity (PL 3.749/2020), after all , autism is a condition and a neurodivergence.

Senator Romário, one of the activists of the cause, explained in his justification that, not infrequently, families are financially harmed in order to obtain several TEA reports, in relation to a family member, as the validity period expires. “Which is unjustifiable”, reinforces Romário, as autism is a permanent constitutive condition of the individual.


The report was made by senator Zenaide Maia (PSD-RN) and reinforces that the permanent nature of the condition of an individual with autism is something “widely demonstrated by Science”.

“The fact is that the loving daily activity of family members and other guardians should not be burdened with unreasonable demands that do not take advantage of scientific advances. The characterization of autism spectrum disorder as a permanent condition of life is a scientific conclusion, widely demonstrated today”, highlighted Senator Eliziane Gama, when reading Zenaide's report.

The analysis of this proposal now goes to the Senate's Social Affairs Committee (CAS).


Source: Senate Agency

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