Feminine care during Carnival: 4 tips for maintaining intimate health on festive days

In addition to the concerns about harassment and safety that the female public has at Carnival, there are health issues that also need to be on the radar. Yes, we are talking about extra care such as intimate health. We highlight 4 tips made by a gynecologist for basic care that girls should have to enjoy the holidays safely and healthily 💞

Empowered, sexually liberated women who can and want to enjoy carnival. Right? Yes!


Image: Unsplash

But you need to keep in mind that this time of year brings a combination of risks that affect intimate areas in particular.

Summer is in itself the hottest season of the year, with the perfect scenario for the emergence of discharge and infections caused by some fungi and bacteria.

Wet bikinis, use of public swimming pools, shared bathrooms, carelessness and lack of protection during sexual relations are some of the “mistakes” that can make your carnival a living hell, in the most pejorative sense of the word!!


Gynecologist Roberta Grabert, activist for digital transformation in health and one of the leaders of Movimento Livres, warns about these risks and advises that, this carnival, girls turn their attention to their intimacy, mainly due to their more active sexual life and the need often use public bathrooms:

“Paying attention to intimate hygiene during this period is essential.” This includes specific soap for feminine hygiene and ALWAYS use a condom to prevent STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases).

“The clothes you are wearing can also cause problems if they are wet, or if the material is not suitable”, points out the doctor.


Have fun, enjoy summer and carnival, but take care of yourself! Image: Unsplash

Doctor Roberta Grabert created, together with two femtechs focused on natural products –  Feel e Lilit - four valuable tips to maintain female intimate health:

1 – Water and intimate soap

The intimate region is more prone to the proliferation of fungi, bacteria and irritations, due to the hot and humid climate. Cleaning must be done in external areas and using appropriate products suitable for women's hygiene.

It is also important to be careful with chemical toilets, the recommendation is to avoid sitting on the toilet as much as possible.


2 – Choose light clothes

 The tighter the clothing, the hotter the environment becomes and it stifles the intimate area, increasing perspiration, bringing the risk of infections such as candidiasis. It is recommended to use cotton lingerie, which allows greater air circulation, skirts and dresses.

On festive days, think not only about the look, but also about comfort: we know that wearing skirts and dresses at parties causes friction in the groin and thigh areas, which can cause diaper rash due to the constant friction of the skin in the area.

To help prevent diaper rash, irritation or discomfort, there are moisturizing oils made from coconut, tea tree and chamomile oils that help hydrate the skin.


Image: Unsplash

3 – Have safe sex!!!

Prevention and self-care must be taken seriously during this period!

The use of condoms is the most important precaution of all, to avoid unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of STDs such as syphilis, HPV and gonorrhea.

4 – Are you without a condom? Don't give in to temptation, be creative!

It's difficult, but you can do it: be creative and don't have unprotected sex!

There are countless ways to experience pleasure, so explore them all safely, and have fun!

See also:

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