Parliamentarians and artists celebrate the overturn of Veto 18/2022, on support for the cultural sector during the pandemic (Paulo Gustavo Law), and Veto 20/2022, relating to the Aldir Blanc National Policy for Promoting Culture.

Culture won: 6,8 billion in incentives and Bolsonaro “vetoed”

After pressure from cultural actors and producers, party leaders and the government reached an agreement to overturn two of Bolsonaro's vetoes on laws that authorize incentives for the cultural sector in states and municipalities in the country. The Aldir Blanc 2 and Paulo Gustavo Laws also honor Brazilian artists who died as a result of COVID-19.

Last Tuesday (05/07), faced with the mobilization of workers in the cultural sector, Jair Bolsonaro's vetoes on two laws to encourage Culture were overturned. On Twitter, the tag #OverturnVetosdaCultura was widely shared.


To invalidate the veto, it was necessary for an absolute majority of senators and federal deputies to vote in accordance with the decision. The laws Aldir Blanc 2 e Paulo Gustavo were approved in Congress with scores of 356 to 36 and 66 to zero, respectively.

The texts were created in the post-pandemic period and provide federal transfers to states and municipalities. The cultural sector was one of the most affected by the crisis and, in 2020 alone, more than 900 thousand professionals in the category were affected by the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.

Law Paulo Gustavo 🔽

  • is of an emergency nature.
  • predict transfer of R$3,86 billion in federal resources to states and municipalities to recover from the crisis caused by the pandemic.
  • R$2,79 billion of the resources would be transferred from the Audiovisual Sector Fund to the audiovisual sector and R$1,06 billion would come from the National Culture Fund for emergency actions.

Aldir Leblanc Law 2 🔽

  • foresees federal transfers of R$3 billion per year to states and municipalities between 2023 and 2027.
  • It is based on the Aldir Blanc Law (26/05/2020) which allocated the same amount in transfers to the maintenance of artistic spaces and help to combat the pandemic.
Brasília – Congressman Jair Bolsonaro discusses with Congresswoman Maria do Rosário during the general committee, in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, which discusses violence against women and girls, rape culture, combating impunity and public policies for prevention, protection and assistance to victims in Brazil (Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)

When he decided to veto the new Aldir Leblanc Law, President Jair Bolsonaro justified it by stating that “an expense subject to the spending ceiling and does not present compensation in the form of expense reduction, which would make it difficult to comply with the said limit”.


Featured photo: Parliamentarians and artists celebrate the overturning of vetoes on cultural incentives in Congress (05/07/2022). Photo: Jefferson Rudy/Agência Senado

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