'Desafio do Apagão': an uncool trend

The news that a child died after performing the “Blackout Challenge” - a trend that emerged on TikTok - had repercussions throughout the week. Have you heard about the subject?

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The name of the little Argentine girl, found dead in her room, was Milagres Souto. She was 12 years old.


Milagres had a sheet wrapped around his neck. The aunt informed the police that the girl tried to forcefully stop breathing temporarily, but she died of asphyxiation.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Last year, an American boy of just 10 years old died in the same way: participating in the challenge. 

Understand the challenge

The current wave is a variation of 'Fainting Challenge': the idea is that the person self-asphyxiates until they almost lose consciousness. It’s only worth “saving yourself” at the last second, if possible. 


Those who enter the deadly challenge usually use ropes, belts and scarves. A court official told the newspaper La Nácion that “all of this is broadcast live on the networks and, whoever succeeds, advances in the game”. 

The hashtag #BlackoutChallenge was blocked from TikTok. A company spokesperson told the Estadão which “The safety of our community is a priority and we take any incident of a dangerous challenge very seriously. Content of this nature is prohibited on our platform and will be removed if found.”

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