French Bread Day, the most Brazilian of bakeries

This Tuesday (21st) French Bread Day is celebrated. This is the flagship of Brazilian bakeries. And for some, bread is the perfect and indispensable pair to that cup of coffee. 😉

From the name, you might even believe that it has something related to France, but the recipe is Brazilian!!


French bread emerged at the end of the 19th century, when the richest people traveled abroad to study in Paris. At that time the bread was rustic, similar to a Portuguese recipe, but people fell in love with French baguettes and decided to go Brazilian.

The recipe is simple: flour, salt and yeast. There are those who add more items to make the crust crispy or make the bread more golden, but the base is the same. And that smell of bread coming out of the oven, who can resist??😋

So, do you know other names for French bread, salt bread, cacetinho or Jacó bread?


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