violence against women
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National Day to Combat Violence against Women warns of increase in cases in Brazil

The National Day to Combat Violence against Women has been warning, for 42 years, about cases of aggression, attempted murder and feminicide. The date was established after women gathered, on October 10, 1980, on the steps of the Municipal Theater, in São Paulo, to protest against the increase in gender crimes in Brazil. Discover the numbers that reveal the growing escalation of violence against Brazilian women.

According to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, from August 29th to September 27th, civil and military police officers from the 26 states and the Federal District arrested 12.396 people accused of killing or assaulting women across the country. Warrants were executed and arrests were made in the act as part of the second edition of the Operation Maria da Penha.


During this period, requests or grants were made 41,6 thousand protective measures to curb and prevent domestic and family violence against women and registereds 75.525 police reports.

Do you know what the Maria da Penha Law is? And why does she have that name?


According to the Public Security Institute (ISP) of Rio de Janeiro, from January to August this year, there were 73 cases of femicide and 185 attempts in the state. In relation to records from the same period in 2021, when there were 61 cases and 173 attempts. The ISP has not yet released data as of August.

At a national level, the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, released in July with information from the public security sector in Brazil, showed that, in 2021, cases of aggression due to domestic violence increased by 0,6%, totaling 230.861 registrations in the year. The number of threats rose 3,3% and reached 597.623 cases.

Telephone calls by number 190 reached 619.353, an increase of 4% over the previous year. were granted 370.209 urgent protective measures, with growth of 13,6%.



In the profile of feminicide records in Brazil, of the 1.341 cases in 2021, 68,7% of victims were between 18 and 44 years old, 65,6% died at home e 62% were black. Still according to the Yearbook, among the perpetrators of feminicides 81,7% of cases were the partner or ex-partner.

For the first time, the survey showed the volume of cases of persecution or stalking, which reached 27.722 in 2021, and psychological violence against women, which was 8.390.

The study, carried out annually by the Brazilian Public Security Forum, is based on figures from official sources from the responsible public bodies.


Violence timer

  • A girl or woman is raped every 10 minutes;
  • Three women are victims of femicide every day;
  • A transvestite or trans woman is murdered in the country every 2 days;
  • 26 women suffer physical aggression every hour.

(Source: Patrícia Galvão Agency)

How to report

In case of suspected violation of a woman's rights, the victim, or the complainant, must contact the nearest specialized police station. The complaint can also be made to the telephone numbers 180, 190 or 197. The call is free and the service operates 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

The Women’s Service Center – Ligue 180, also offers listening and qualified assistance to women in situations of violence, registering and forwarding reports, complaints, suggestions or compliments to the competent bodies.

(To Agency Brazil)

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