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Flamengo director makes xenophobic post and clubs in the Northeast protest

A post on social media by Flamengo's director of Social Responsibility, Angela Machado, placed the Rio club at the center of yet another controversy. Wife of President Rodolfo Landim, she made a pejorative insinuation to the Northeastern people after the election results, attacking the region where Lula had the most votes. In response, clubs spoke out against the statement - which was classified as xenophobic.

In the post, Angela Machado compares Northeasterners to ticks because Bolsonaro supporters are mocked as cattle.


“We win where we produce, we lose where we go on vacation, let’s go to work, because if the cattle die, the tick goes hungry”, says the text, which was also circulated by Bolsonarist groups. The Flamengo director has always shown her support for Jair Bolsonaro. Since Tuesday (1st), his profile has been closed and private only to followers.

Given the repercussion, President Rodolfo Landim spoke out to talk about the matter. In an interview with Canal do Benja, the red-black leader said that his wife has the right to speak out.

“It’s obvious she’s upset about something she did. This was almost an outburst to see the land that she loves so much, thinking that it will not have, in the coming years, the destiny that she would like it to have. She has the right to take a stand”, stated Landim. Angela was born in the state of Sergipe.


The president was questionI wonder if the episode could lead to an apology from the club due to the repercussion it caused on social media. The leader, however, was evasive in his response.

“I'm not following social media because I don't even know what that is. I need to be calm to manage Flamengo, which gives me a lot of work. It's not my problem, it's my wife's. She has the right to position herself and say whatever she wants. The problem is her will. It’s an intimate decision for her,” she said.

Northeast clubs protest

Through its social networks, Sampaio Corrêa vehemently refuted Angela Machado's statements. The CSA also followed the same line and classified the director's attitude as an “aggression against the people” on its Twitter account. Yuri Romão, president of Sport, was yet another to criticize the leader's attitude on her social networks and praised her pride in being from the Northeast.


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