e-Título can be downloaded from Android and iOS stores until Saturday, the day before the elections

Anyone who has not yet downloaded the e-Título application and already has the biometrics collected by the Electoral Court has until Saturday, the day before the elections, to do so. But it is important to remember that cell phones can only be used for voter identification and will not be allowed inside the voting booth. Those who did not undergo biometrics, suspended due to the pandemic, will be able to vote with a paper document.

On October 2nd, when the first round of elections, the issuance of the e-Title will be suspended and will only be released again from the 3rd, warns the TSE. The same will happen if there is a second round. In this case, it will only be possible to obtain the digital copy of the title until the day before, that is, October 29th. According to the TSE, last week the digital version gained more than 2,5 million active users, totaling around 30 million in Brazil and abroad.


The technology is free, has been in operation since 2018 and allows you to obtain a digital copy of the voter registration, in addition to consultations at the polling place, requesting justification for absence, issuing electoral discharge and criminal record certificates, among other services. The application works on Android and iOS systems and can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.

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