Digital exhibition “Monet à Beira D'Água” ends this Sunday, in São Paulo

Have you ever been to a painting exhibition? Or are you one of those people who turns up their nose just hearing about a museum? Because the digital exhibition 'Monet à Beira D'Água' could be the beginning of a great passion for art, as it involves the visitor in the works of the French painter that are projected on screens and come to life! You will feel part of the works! But hurry: the experience ends this Sunday (26) in São Paulo. The report from the Curto News enjoyed the experience.

The tour through the exhibition is truly a dive into the Claude Monet, French painter considered the “father of impressionism”, a category he named himself when he named one of his paintings with this name.


When walking through the 4 thousand square meters of screens, in 360 degrees, it is possible to understand what Many thought of art and how it was disruptive to the second half of the 19th century: his paintings break with realism of images of people and common facts for the time, and begin to portray everyday life, especially nature, according to perceptions and impressions that he had about the world. In this specific exhibition, water is a protagonist, just as landscapes were striking for Monet.

“My God, what a magical feeling,” said a teenager who visited the experience – as the organizers of the event call it. Monet by the Water. The screens come to life: rain and snow fall, people move and you see everything being transmitted from the floor to the walls, as if you were inside the painting.

The music and some narrations of phrases spoken by the painter also help to ambiance the visitor:



How to buy a ticket?

Just go to the Monet Á Beira d'Água website to get all the necessary information and book a time.

Important: The exhibition runs until this Sunday (24) in São Paulo, at Parque Vila Lobos, and at the time of writing this report there were still tickets available. In the tent that houses the exhibition there is a dining area and other attractions that precede the exhibition (which has a scheduled time) itself, so it's worth arriving 1 hour before to enjoy it.

If you are not from São Paulo and have no agenda for this Saturday and Sunday, take the opportunity to enjoy the day at Villa Lobos Park or Candido Portinari, neighbor. There is also the biggest ferris wheel From Latin America!


How to get?

If you go by car, it's worth taking a good look at the map with the location of the tent. Monet exhibition so as not to get lost in the huge Villa Lobos parking lot, especially at night, when it is difficult to find staff to guide the entrance and the lack of signposts is a problem.

The Vila Lobos park is located at Av. Professor Fonseca Rodrigues, 2001 – Alto dos Pinheiros – São Paulo, capital. But the parking entrance is at Avenida Queiróz Filho, 1365.

For those taking public transport, the CPTM Jaguaré/Villa Lobos train station, on the Linha 9-Esmeralda line, is nearby, with access via a footbridge. But it is not recommended at night. There are also bus lines that stop at the stop in front of the parking lot on Avenida Queiroz Filho.


For app-based cars, the best entrance is the main entrance to the park. But be aware: you will walk a long way to the end of the complex to find Monet's tent. Prepare your feet 👟 and have fun!

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