Excessive exposure to screens can cause back pain and even premature puberty

Spending more than three hours glued to a computer screen, or cell phone, TV or electronic games, is one of the risk factors for the health of young people's spines, according to a study carried out with Brazilian teenagers, published in the specialized journal Healthcare. Another study presented at a meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Endocrinology shows that blue light from screens reduces the production of melatonin, a sleep hormone, which can also interfere with the puberty cycle.

Um study funded by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (Fapesp), evaluated 1.628 students of both sexes between 14 and 18 years of age, from the urban area of ​​the city of Bauru (SP), who responded to questionbetween March and June 2017. Of these, 1.393 were reevaluated in 2018.


Back pain – TPS

The research funded by Fapesp showed that the small distance between the electronic equipment and the eyes, use in the prone position (on the stomach) and in the sitting position contribute to the emergence of pain, the so-called mid-back pain (thoracic back pain, or TSP). 

Of the adolescents followed for two years, 38,4% had prevalent complaints of TSP. Back pain occurs more in girls than in boys, which may have to do with “being more exposed to physical, psychosocial and stress factors, having less strength than men, presenting hormonal changes resulting from puberty and low levels of physical activity”, says one of the authors of the article, Alberto de Vitta, doctor in education from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). He also says that the combination of physical and behavioral factors generates an increase in the compression force of the intervertebral discs, leading to malnutrition of the discs, withpromehaving the integrity of the musculoskeletal system, predisposing the individual to fatigue and higher pain levels.

“There appears to be a relationship between emotional symptoms and physical manifestations, such as increased secretion of the hormonal cortisol and changes in the hormonal regulation of the adrenal glands, which generate inhibitory effects on the immune system, digestion and symptoms of excessive body wear, tiredness , fatigue, muscle and joint pain”, he explains.


“Physical factors (inadequate wallets, backpacks weighing more than recommended and others), behavioral factors (using electronic equipment for more than three hours a day, inadequate postures) and mental health factors (emotional symptoms, stress, etc.) are associated with these pains”, adds the researcher.

What does screen abuse have to do with puberty?

Image: Pexels

Precocious puberty may be stimulated by high exposure to screens, such as tablets and cell phones, as shown by one of the latest research on the subject, presented during the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Endocrinology.

“Studies show that blue light from screens decreases the production of melatonin, a hormone related to the sleep cycle. Lower melatonin production may be a signal to the body that it is time to enter puberty. Furthermore, weight gain and anxiety that may be associated with excessive use of screens also alter the production of certain hormones such as leptin and serotonin, which can cause early puberty”, explains the endocrine pediatrician at Sabará Hospital. Children, Paula Baccarini.


The expert states that, due to isolation during the pandemic period, children began to eat less healthily, generating other side effects that also alter hormones: “Stress and anxiety are also factors that can accelerate the onset of puberty , added to a sedentary lifestyle, worsening eating patterns and weight gain”, he adds.  

(Source: Agência Brasil)

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