Lula's inauguration party: stages begin to be set up in Brasília

The structure for the inauguration party of elected president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on January 1st, began to be assembled at the Esplanada dos Ministérios, in Brasília. The PT wants to turn the inauguration into a party with shows by artists who supported the PT member. The organization is in the hands of sociologist and future first lady Rosângela da Silva, known as Janja.

With less than two weeks to go before the inauguration, workers began assembling the metal structure that will house the two stages of the festival, scheduled to take place after the official ceremony of the Presidency and the National Congress.


Janja has been posting videos and calls for the “Festival of the Future”, with free entry and accessible to everyone. A way to overshadow the attempts of Jair Bolsonaro's supporters to hold a huge anti-democratic protest in front of the Palácio do Planalto.

This Sunday (18) the president-elect already had this kind of countdown on his networks:


20 artistas vão participar da festa da posse, entre eles Pabllo Vittar, Baiana System, Duda Beat, Gaby Amarantos, Martinho da Vila, Os Gilsons, Chico César, Luedji Luna, Teresa Cristina, Fernanda Takai, Johnny Hooker, Marcelo Jeneci, Odair José, Otto, Tulipa Ruiz, Almério, Maria Rita e Valesca Popozuda.


The Union of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Similar Services of Brasília (Sindhobar) predicts almost 100% capacity in the hotel chain for January 1st. The transition team expects an audience of 250 people. On the internet, Lula published an advertisement inviting people to the event, with the slogan “I'm going for Brazil”.


The biggest concern of the group organizing the inauguration, so far, is the safety of the public who intend to travel to Brasília to attend Lula's inauguration.

On social media, the governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha (MDB), stated that he will work to ensure that “the ceremony takes place in the best way possible, with safety and peace”.


(With Estadão Content)

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