Financial market philanthropy: Brazilian managers create Ambikira Institute

Following the example of the New York Robin Hood Foundation, businesspeople and managers in Brazil invest in professional philanthropy and create an institute to finance social projects without direct links to financial institutions. The proposal is to reduce inequality of opportunities in the country, offering solutions aimed mainly at education.

A group of managers from São Paulo's main financial and business hub – the famous Faria Lima avenue – are working to boost the institute responsible for injecting money into social projects.


These are projects that governments are not interested in or do not consider for fear of the risks, with a greater focus on education. The Institute was named Ambikira, which in Tupi means shoot that bears fruit.

The Robin Hood Foundation of Brazil

Ambikira's goal is to be the “philanthropy institute of the financial market in Brazil”, as revealed by the Brazil Journal. The representatives of Brazilian Silicon Valley who embraced the project were inspired by the Robin Hood Foundation, the largest philanthropic entity dedicated to reducing poverty in New York. 

Focus on financial return

Robin Hood makes social investments with a hedge fund logic, which are hedge funds or multimarket funds, with fewer legal restrictions and varying degrees of risk. The objective is to make a profit regardless of the market situation.


The same logic applies to the Ambikira Institute. “We want to make this philosophy available to anyone who wants to do philanthropy in a professional way,” said José Olympio Pereira, the former CEO of Credit Suisse and advisor to Ambikira, to Brazil Journal.

Luis Stuhlberger, Armínio Fraga, José Olympio Pereira and Rogério Xavier are businessmen who are investing in the idea, which is considered promising. The planned budget for social projects in 2022 totals R$7,7 million. There will be 26 projects supported.

(Photo at Top: Unsplah)

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