Have you ever thought about working from anywhere? Discover the 'anywhere office'

Working from home became a reality for many people in 2020, with the covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, this work model made it very clear that it is here to stay, and brought a new concept: the anywhere office. Do you already know this work model? O Curto News will explain it to you. 💻

In 2020, around 9 million Brazilians worked from home, according to the IBGE.


The model provides flexibility and a certain “freedom”, so many people took advantage of the period to work from different places, whether on the beach, nature or anywhere else that makes sense.

After all, why should being “trapped” between four walls happen? anywhere office? In this work format, all you need is internet. 

Find out how to make the most of this type of work:

Work ≠ leisure

The work model is flexible, but it is important to differentiate between work time and time to enjoy and relax. If there is no such organization, nothing works out 100% and you become mentally exhausted. 




One thing is certain: inside and outside the office, it's important to have limits. In the physical office: countless overtime hours. At the anywhere office: not knowing when to disconnect.

In both modalities, it is necessary to establish limits and understand that there is no need to respond to professional emails at any time. Limits are the basis for any relationship. 


Comfortable chair

Did you know that if you compare June 2020 with the previous year, the sale of ''gaming chairs” increased by 871%? The survey was carried out by the price and product comparison website Zoom.


The gaming chair is super comfortable, as gamers, in most cases, spend many hours sitting. Many people who work from home use this type of chair.

If you are going to join the anywhere office, no working on the net, grass or anything that looks cool in the posts Instagram. Look for a comfortable chair to work and take care of your spine.


Expectation x Reality

Vacation rental websites are full of beautiful, hyper-disconnected homes, but the place you dream of spending your vacation is often not the best place to work – pay attention to that! You need good internet.


And remember: no matter how much freedom the work modality offers, the anywhere office is different from digital nomadism – which will soon Curto will explain it to you. 😉

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