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Larissa Manoela says she received a lot of 'no's' before becoming famous, she reveals to PodDelas

Sextou! Weekend with second shift and some podcasts that Curto selected for you to enjoy during this break. The biggest pet mother in Brazil (9 dogs), Larissa Manoela, went to PodDelas and had a super relaxed chat with Tata and Boo. There was former president Lula with Paulo Vieira and a discussion about homosexuality in soap operas. Come with us!


The actress, singer, businesswoman and pet mother, Larissa Manoela, participated in the podcast presented by Boo Unzueta and Tata Estaniecki this week. The actress, who gained notoriety with the role of Maria Joaquina, in the children's soap opera “Carrossel”, said that before that she did many tests on TV Globo and received a lot of “no’s”. Today, Larissa Manoela is part of the house's cast. The actress also spoke about her relationship with Luiz Frambach, and said that she took the initiative with the cat. 


Who Can, Pod

The last episode of the podcast presented by Fê Paes Leme and Gio Ewbank was aired. Antônio Fagundes was the guest of Quem pode, Pod. One of the topics was the time when TV failed to include important social issues in soap operas. Fagundes said that in a soap opera he talked about ''homosexuality'', but was soon corrected by Gio, who reinforced the term homoaffective. 


This week there was a turning point in the podcast presented by Igão and Mitico. The boys presented the podcast's new ''little house'', which became a content hub and opened a three-story studio. A special episode with the studio tour was aired. 

Brazil Pod+

Former president Lula (PT) did an interview with Paulo Vieira, which was broadcast on the Workers' Party channels in the form of a podcast. The conversation was sensitive and Lula cried when talking about 14-year-old girls who “need to prostitute themselves to eat”.


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