Minimalism: What is the trend that is gaining more and more followers?

The lifestyle that goes against consumption is based on living only with what is necessary. Come, let the Curto tell you more!

If they learn to live with the essentials, minimalists believe they will be able to prioritize what really matters. The followers of the philosophy are still consumerists, but in a moderate and conscious way, they defend themselves. Have you ever heard the phrase “less is more”? That's it!


Among supporters of minimalism, those who like to travel prefer to reserve extra earnings for that. Those who like to eat in nice restaurants, focus on this path. 

The minimalist trend has already passed through fashion, architecture – it is still on the rise – and can also be followed in music and literature, as well as behavior. Focusing on minimalism is bringing simplification, organization, balance and some other details to life.

For some it is not about fashion, but philosophy of life. And the networks are full of coaches on the subject. 


The movement also reached everyday life with tips for reorganizing homes: items that are not necessary go to charity. When the documentary “Kondo” was released – inspired by Japanese organizer Marie Kondo – an institution that fights AIDS increased its donations by 15%. The documentary references minimalism and the Japanese Spark Joy organizational method.

How did it come about?

At the end of the 1950s, from an artistic movement called “Minimal Art”, in New York. The concept was to use few elements to express yourself artistically and then migrated to the social field. Today, supporters seek to combat consumerism. 

Curto curation:

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