Deaths and concentration camp: see the fake news created by imprisoned Bolsonaro supporters

With cell phones in their hands and a series of lies, Bolsonaro supporters detained for participating in acts of vandalism continue spreading conspiracy theories on social media. See what has already been denied, even by the Federal Police.

In a kind of shared madness, extremists continue to viralize videos with conspiracy theories based on easily detected lies.


In addition to “denouncing” a lack of food – which has already been denied by the PF – detainees in the gymnasium of the Federal Police Academy in Brasília, for committing acts of vandalism, compare the space to Nazi concentration camps and try to spread terror online:

The theory is not contained to the prisoners in the gym. It has been shared by extremist influencers and even former celebrities, such as the actress and former Secretary of Culture of the Bolsonaro government. Regina Duarte:

Denied deaths and other lessons

Since last Sunday (8) there has been a barrage of lies about the detainees who are in the custody of the Federal Police:


  • No deaths occurred among those detained
  • EVERYONE is receiving food and water
  • There is first aid and care for people who feel unwell

Incessant video production fuels hysteria

“Disinformation is an instrument of rationalization without much rationality”, says Ivan Paganotti, doctor in Communication Sciences and professor at the Methodist University of São Paulo, interviewed by AFP.

He highlights that the production and dissemination of fake news in Brazil comes from an efficient and segmented network, whose groups are spread across different platforms and have different themes and audience profiles.

Some individuals are responsible for connecting the different channels, integrating and expanding the reach of content and thus, even in the face of evidence, THE LIE BECOME TRUTH for those who want to believe it.


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