Image credits: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Mourão makes a statement to end his government with veiled criticism of Bolsonaro

In a statement on radio and TV, the acting President of the Republic, Hamílton Mourão, said this Saturday (31) that Brazil will change government, but not regime. “We will maintain our democratic character with balanced and harmonious powers”. Speaking clearly to President Jair Bolsonaro's voters, he asked for tranquility and a return to normal life.

Mourão criticized what he called representatives of the Three Powers of the Republic “little identified with the challenge of promoting the common good”.


In an indirect criticism of President Jair Bolsonaro – who left for the United States leaving orphaned followers at the doors of the barracks – he said that the leaders should reassure and unite the nation around a country project, but “they allowed silence to create a climate of chaos and social disintegration and irresponsibly allowed the Armed Forces of all Brazilians to pay the bill”.

The speech did not please Bolsonarists and criticism poured in on social media:

Mourão closed his speech by speaking of a country “free from systematic corruption practices, on economic rise and with balanced public accounts”. He too promeyou who will strongly oppose the Lula government.


(With Brazil Agency)

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