Image credits: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

There is no shortage of money: tax collection breaks record for August

The collection of federal taxes and contributions broke a record in August and totaled R$172,314 billion. The amount collected last month was the highest for the month of August since the IRS began counting in 1995.

The result, released by the Federal Revenue this Tuesday (27), shows that there was a real increase of 8,21% in tax collection compared to the same month last year, when discounting inflation.


In relation to July this year, there was a real drop of 14,64% in tax collection.

During the year, federal revenue totaled R$ 1,464 trillion, the largest volume for the series period (1995). The amount represents a real advance of 10,7% compared to the first eight months of last year.

Source: Estadão Content

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