On Air: podcasts of the week

Do you know what happened in the world of podcasts this week? O Curto made a list of the best suggestions to update you.

  • Who Pod, Pod

Businesswoman and influencer Bianca Andrade, known as Boca Rosa, was present on Gio Ewbank and Fê Paes Leme's podcast this week. In the interview, the blogger flirted with one of the presenters, answered her son's call and talked about bisexuality.


In the maternity chat, Boca Rosa shared with fans that she wished her son to have more freedom in the future. “I want him to wear makeup, paint his nails.”

  • Limited Intelligence

Singer Negra Li was present on Rogério Vilela's podcast this week. During the chat, the singer spoke about her experience with masturbation, a taboo topic for many people. Negra Li revealed that she only tried it in 2019, after her divorce.

“I found out after I separated, seriously! Because of the belief, the taboo that we have. I am evangelical, I came from an evangelical family… so I broke several taboos throughout my life”, explained Negra Li.


  • face to face

Actor Malvino Salvador participated in Rica Perrone's podcast. The actor defended President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and stated that he sees good actions in the president.

“I think Bolsonaro has good intentions, he makes some wrong choices, especially in the way he communicates, in my opinion. Not every government is always assertive or wrong. I face it with good intentions”, declared the artist.

  • A Milshake Named Wanda

The singer and ex-BBB member Juliette participated in the Wanda podcast, and talked about a “situation she experienced in foreign countries”. The singer had to give a “card” to get medical attention. Ju said she “would never do that in Brazil” but, in Portugal, she was desperate. Wow, how annoying, huh?


  • +PLUS

O podPah and the podDelas will be doing the program within the Rock in Rio.
This Friday (9), PodPah welcomes the band Fresno and PodDelas welcomes influencer Jade Picon.

Curto suggestion

See the chat Curto with the journalist Renata Cafardo, creator and presenter of the podcast Educação na Floresta.


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