Image credits: Reproduction/ Chamber of Deputies and Instagram

He cursed, he paid: owner of Havan is ordered to pay 8 thousand to Father Julio Lancelotti

Luciano Hang said in a group of businesspeople on WhatsApp that Father Julio Lancellotti is a “criminal”. Now he will have to pay compensation for moral damages.

The São Paulo Court of Justice sentenced, in the first instance, businessman Luciano Hang – owner of Havan – to pay 8 thousand reais to Father Julio Lancellotti, for moral damages. Hang – who moves around and is involved in controversy – offended the priest in conversations with other Bolsonarista businessmen in a WhatsApp group.


Father Julio Lancelloti works at the Pastoral do Povo de Rua de São Paulo, which helps people living on the streets – after all, caring for the vulnerable is part of Christianity and the mission of the Catholic Church.

At the time – May this year – Hang said that the priest was wrong and that the church was “responsible for the PT’s ills”. It went public in Guilherme Amado's column, in Metrópoles.

Hang also called the priest a criminal and stated that “whoever helps criminals is a criminal”, referring to homeless residents.


Other side

In his legal defense, Hang said that calling the priest a criminal was an “acid criticism”. But the Court did not understand it that way. The decision, however, can be challenged at a higher court.

The priest is pop

Father Julio – popular on social media and respected by opinion makers – also shared the victory over Hang on social media, and received affection from the faithful and followers.

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