Go on vacation: Imbassaí, in Bahia, has a beach, river, coconut trees and tranquility; see the video

"Life is short" and the Curto News decided to take you to one of the friendliest and most beautiful places on the Brazilian coast: Bahia. More specifically for Imbassaí beach. It is a district in the municipality of Mata de São João, located on the North Coast of Bahia in the current Costa dos Coqueiros Tourist Zone. Come find out more about this paradise and watch the video we prepared to inspire you!

Amid the trendy cities and beaches of Bahia, which you are used to hearing about, there are hidden treasures, with that more “roots” feel, perfect for enjoying nature.


Imbassaí is one of these destinations: perfect for those looking for tranquility and an escape from the cities. Suitable for young families who want to surf (and date) and families with children, for example.

Children play in the river that runs parallel to the sea, surrounded by coconut trees and sandbanks

In Tupi, Imbassaí means “path of the river”. The village is on the Costa do Coqueiros and its main access is the green line – which connects Salvador to Aracajú (Alagoas). It is 10 kilometers from the trendy Praia do Forte, and an hour's drive from the Bahian capital Salvador.

The beach is enchanting as soon as you arrive: a green strip full of coconut trees hides this sea of ​​strong waves in pure blue, with thick white sand.


The main highlight of this beach is the meeting of the river with the sea which, in addition to the Instagrammable photos, allows for a peaceful swim overlooking the beautiful coconut grove that beautifies the landscape. The sunset is unmissable!


Imbassaí beach is surrounded by condominiums of high-end houses and apartments, which tend to be excellent accommodation options, especially on seasonal rental apps.

The village also has an excellent hotel structure: hotels, inns and even resorts that offer maximum comfort. There is accommodation and food for all budgets.


See a little bit of this paradise:

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